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Cold Laser Therapy

Today was my first day of cold laser therapy and my normal chiropractic adjustment.  My humans swear by cold laser therapy and compared to other treatments out there, it is not very expensive.

I was thrilled to go for a ride in the car but then I was tired and the thought of walking on the slick floor and trying to maintain my balance was just too much.  The staff carried me in.  I got to hang out in the OR instead of a kennel and life was good.  My human was in sad shape.  She smelled like dirty human, dog pee, and I’m not sure when she last brushed her teeth.  They sent her home to get a shower and a nap.  They even offered to watch me all day.  I’m not sure if I should be happy or insulted about that.   My human wouldn’t think of it.  She was going to get me at noon and that was that.

The therapy felt good and I wanted to go for a walk and potty afterwards.  Dr. Huff took me out and I walked up the ramp into the car without too much trouble.  Once we got home, I was too tired to get out so I stayed in the car until my male human came home and they had to carry me out of the car, onto the lawn, and  then helped me up so I could relieve myself.  The tramadol really makes me loopy.

Cookie and my female human hung out with me most of the day.  Cookie got bored and the bugs bothered her so she went back inside.   Me and the human napped in the back of the car.   It was nice.  I kept stretching and touching her and she rubbed my belly.  She needed the sleep just as much as I did.

I hate to admit it but I’ve been a little bit of a snot to her.  After not seeing my humans for so long, I just have not been handling her leaving me for any length of time at all.   If she leaves me for more than about 15 minutes, I pee on myself.   That makes her magically appear to clean me up.

They’ve been doing a lot of wash just for me lately.  I am pretty sure they have no clean clothes themselves or they are just too tired to care.   I smell pretty strongly of pee too.   Baby wipes aren’t as effective on dog pee as I had hoped.

I’m still getting iced 3x a day.  I love the icing part.  Now I have to get warm compresses on my remaining front leg because I have edema.  It is swelling really badly.  Dr. Huff says it is because I’m not as active as I normally am and it was to be expected.  My toes are so swollen you can’t see that I have 4 toes at all.

Ice feels so good on my incision and shoulders.

Ice feels so good on my incision and shoulders.

Tomorrow is another cold laser therapy day.

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