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Monthly Archive for April, 2013

Not Going to Miss a Drop

I really enjoy breakfast in bed!  This is one part that has been kind of fun.  Everyone brings me food and water in bed. Nixon Enjoys His Breakfast

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Cold Laser Therapy

Today was my first day of cold laser therapy and my normal chiropractic adjustment.  My humans swear by cold laser therapy and compared to other treatments out there, it is not very expensive. I was thrilled to go for a ride in the car but then I was tired and the thought of walking on […]

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It was a long night.  We just got back from the ER and the prognosis is, I’m doing fine physically but they are still worried about my emotional state.  They wanted to put me on Trazodone but my human declined.  She thinks I have enough drugs being pumped into me at the moment. I still […]

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Sent Home Early

The doctors say my level of anxiety is not normal.  Other humans who share their lives with greyhounds who have gone through this tell my humans that I am completely normal.    The hospital called my family yesterday and asked them to come pick me up today.  I was supposed to stay another 24 to […]

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They Cut Off My Leg

I’m really not doing well right now emotionally.  Some of it may be the drugs, some of it may be that the past 2 weeks of my life have been hell.   I’m not sure where to begin.  On the bright side, my leg doesn’t feel like it is on fire anymore.  But they cut […]

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Leaving Me Again?

I really don’t know what to say.  It was a very bad night.  I hurt and cried most of the night.  The swelling in my leg just got worse.  No one wanted to take a picture of my leg but the swelling went from my elbow to my toes.  Every hour, it got bigger.  I […]

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My Humans Have Returned

I didn’t get the surgery this weekend.  Instead, Dr. Huff took care of me personally.  I wish I could say that healed me up but it didn’t.  I have a feeling I look frightening because everyone gasped today when they came into work.   I have lost a lot of weight over the weekend. The pain […]

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My leg is worse.  A lot worse.  I am still able to walk with it but the bump is getting larger.  They made me take more xrays today.  I heard Dr. Huff say that the tumor spread and moved from the radius to the ulna, whatever that is.  He also mentioned a pathological fracture or […]

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Not Feeling Well

We’ve been stuck here at the vet hospital for a week now.  I’m not feeling good and my leg is really starting to hurt.  Cookie and I had a fight last night and now she has staples in her ear.  I didn’t mean to bite but I need some space.   The ladies taking care of […]

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