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I did not realize I had neglected my blog.  After Happy Hannah got her wings, so did a bunch of my greyhound friends here in NC.  All from osteo.  🙁 

Summer has hit NC and the humidity is just gross.  There were horrible thunderstorms all night long so me and the humans had a long night.  Cookie just sulked.  I am on sedatives now for the storms and they help but I still have accidents in the house.  And shake violently from fear.

Once the humans were awake again, we hit Wendy’s for a cheeseburger, plain, no bun to celebrate 14 months post amp.  I think I should have had two or three.  Maybe more.  Or a meat cake.

My life is pretty normal.  Have not really had much to blog about.  I am fit and feeling good.  We go to parks a lot.  There are rumors of a road trip to Richmond a week from Sunday but no one has given me any details yet.

Cookie turned 8 on May 30 and there was no cake or shopping trip.  Something about a trip to NY.  Then the evil mommy went away.  For days.  We found her wandering alone in the backyard.  I am not sure if she even recognized us.  We could smell other family members who we only see once a year on her but they were no where in sight.  I need to keep a better eye on the mommy.  I think she gets lost easily.  She says her nose does not work and she is getting glasses tomorrow.  Poor human.  She looked very tired too.

6 Responses to “Hoppy 14th Ampuversary to Me”

  1. Happy 14 month ampuversary!
    I’m glad you got a cheeseburger to celebrate.
    Don’t worry about your Mommy….us humans are unpredictable.


    Linda and Tucker

    • ohmynixon says:

      The cheeseburger was good but I’m still hinting for a bison burger or a meat cake. I love spinach and bison.

      This isn’t the first time the evil mommy has done this! The last time she did this, she came home smelling like horses and was gone for 5 days. The time before that, she was gone almost 2 weeks and smelled like dogs, cats, and birthday cake. And I think I smelled turtle on her too. The daddy says she gets lost so I worry.

  2. benny55 says:


    Your post jas me grinning ear to ear over here…and for soooooo many different reasons!! Gosh, your ampiversaryof course, Cookie had an eighth birthday, you got a cheesbrger, your mom found her way home AND…thisis huge…you are coming to the tripawd pawty on the 22nd!!! That will be sooooooo great!!!! OMD! I have goosey bumps just thinking about it!!! It will be a magnificent pawty! And Nixon, I’ll bring you a very special treat for this ampuversary and to celebrate all tthe years coming up!!

    And thanks for mentioning my very, very beloved Happy Hannah…I’m sure all the greys are teaching her how to do roaches amd she’s teaching them the bliss of ice cream dripping down their chins!

    Oh, have you thought avout havingnyour mom mico-chipped in case she gets lost again?



    Sally and Happy Hannah

    • ohmynixon says:

      Oh Sally, thank you. Meeting you is why we want to head to Richmond.

      I heard something about Richmond is a speed trap? I’m not sure what that is but I still go fast so I hope we don’t get in trouble with the law.

  3. jerry says:

    Hoppy hippy ampuversary Nixon! Whaddda ya mean nothing to blog about? This is BIG BIG BIG! Holy moly! Congratulations my friend. I know our angel heroes, Happy Hannah, all the Greyts, they’re all looking down on you and watching over you and Cookie and your momma too so she doesn’t get lost.

    I’m sorry about the weather, I know that’s extra hard on Tripawds. You’re good at chillin out though, so take it easy and be mellow, it’s such a nice option when you don’t have anywhere to be …. except in VIRGINIA!!! OH MY GOSH if you can make it to that, wow, you would just make our day! That would be so so so cool! Please post in the Forums and let us know if you’ll be there OK? Sure hope so!

    xoxo it’s so nice to hear from you!

    • ohmynixon says:

      Thank you. I realize that 14 months is great but really, my life is pretty normal. Yes, I can’t walk as far as I want to but I hadn’t been able to do that for 18 months before the tumor showed up. I’ve been told you can’t have osteo for 18 months but I’d been lame since late September 2011. No one was ever able to figure out where the lameness was coming from and then one morning, in a matter of hours, I grew a small tumor and before you know it, it ate through my entire leg. I believe you call it a pathological fracture.

      So many pups don’t make it this far along but I’m doing good. Every morning, I greet my humans with a happy tail and a big smile. After I do my business in the yard, I give good hugs. I still love to snuggle, go for car rides, and meet people. But most important, I need to pee on all the things.

      I believe I’m scheduled for another round of xrays next week. Nothing about my treatment has been normal so my xray schedule isn’t normal either.

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