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I am 10 Years Old!

Sunday was my birthday.  We had cake.  Lots of cake.  In fact, I had cake with my dinner last night.




I’ve actually been doing quite well overall.  I am done with IV Chemo!  Round 5 was a week ago yesterday and it was the hardest one yet on me physically.  Cerenia, the miracle drug, came to my rescue every day last week.   Two weeks ago, my most recent chest xrays were clear!  This was great news for my humans.  Many of the dogs we know that had amputations around April have already crossed the bridge or are preparing to.   Deuce is gone.  It is hard on my human and she rarely sleeps in her own bed at night.  Cookie and I have just become used to her sleeping with us.  We could live without the snoring but she says she could live without the gas.

Round 4 was the worst mentally.  I figured out that the IV drip was what was making me sick and didn’t want to go back to the vets.  Normally, I give out kisses and snuggle with the ladies but I couldn’t that time.  All I could do was lay on the table and sigh.  It broke everyone’s heart and they gave me lots of kisses but they didn’t have to feel like crap for several days.  That queasy feeling lasted more than a week and I had a hard time even drinking water.  Adding low sodium chicken broth got my interest up but I still felt gross when I drank.  I even skipped a meal.

When I went in for my final round, I was treated like a rock star.  Everyone was so happy and all smiles!  I could not let my fans down so I gave out kisses and more kisses.  Once the drip was done, I jumped up and had a victory lap around the office.

We delayed my fifth round by 5 days because my humans, both of them, had to go out of town for a day.  We had a dog walker come by and that was fun.  She set off the alarm to the house somehow.  My humans didn’t give her the password so it got complicated for her.  Dogs wanting to say hi, the alarm going off, and the alarm company demanding to know who she was.  The humans left her two pages of typed instructions but nothing about if you hear beeping when you walk into the house, the alarm is still on.  Or if you accidentally set off the alarm, the password is:  Silly humans.

It was very hot out that day and when she came to walk us at noon, we ran outside to potty and then ran back inside to our beds.  We were out just a few minutes.  The dog walker called my humans to ask if this was normal.  Of course it is normal.  We are greyhounds!  We need our Air Conditioning.  And a comfy bed.  And a pillow.  And a blankie.  And a toy….

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Someone didn’t look behind them before backing out of their parking space and destroyed the bumper on our car.  We are fine because no one was in our car.  While the car was in the shop, everything had to be taken out of the car.  My big mattress topper was put in the living room in my favorite spot under the windows.   The car has been back a week but the topper is still in my living room.  I think I know what I’m getting for my birthday!

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I love this spot by the windows because I can observe everything in the house.  Just cause I lost a leg doesn’t mean I lost my job!  I still guard and protect.

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Sorry they’re so grainy but you can see me investigating a noise outside.  Very serious business.

Back to my birthday.  There is also talk about getting me a stroller so I can go on longer walks with Cookie.  The area we liv in is NOT flat so there is some question on how well my human can handle a 30 lb stroller with a 70 lbs greyhound in it.  They’ve narrowed the choices down to the houndabout II and the expedition:

I can’t tell by just the picture and want to try one out.   I am actually a very tall and thin guy and the houndabout seems like it would be more comfortable for me.

In three weeks, we’re going to Aunt Janet’s house to spend a few days near the ocean.  Janet has the most amazing house.  It is ranch home with a big open floor plan.  A big great room full of dog beds, a sun room to enjoy the sun without the bugs, and big fenced in back yard.  Janet was in the military and it shows.  She makes us mind and even my humans obey her!

We like road trips.


4 Responses to “I am 10 Years Old!”

  1. I love that your dogs have Pillow Pets… Barret has one and its his favorite toy to snuggle up with at night 🙂

    • ohmynixon says:

      My favorite is the big bunny while Cookie likes them all. Like many things in this house, they were not bought for us at first. My humans love the movie, “Despicable Me” and when they saw the purple unicorn, they screamed, “ITS SO FLUFFY!” and bought it. It was on the bed in the guest room for a few days. Cookie had the same reaction when she saw it and stole it.

      So then when the mini pillow pets came out, the humans bought the mini unicorn thinking that they could hide it and enjoy it in peace. Cookie took it as soon as the bag was brought into the house. She could smell the fluffy.

      The bunny is the only one that was bought for me. I love it and we play with it often. The only bad thing about them is the eyes. If you have an aggressive chewer, you really do need to remove the eyes so they don’t cause a choking hazard.

  2. benny55 says:

    What a brilliant birthday you are having!! THANK YOU for sharing wuch a delightful post avout your special day and your story of love, joy, happiness, squishy pillows, magnificent beds and best “toys” in the land:-) 🙂

    At first I wanted to fuss at your “human” for waiting so long to post about you. However, all is “forgiven” with this post………it was well worth the wait! My heart is full of “warm fuzzies” and my face is grinning ear to ear!

    No more chemo for you!! YAAAAAY! Wonderful news!

    And you’re getting your own buggy? You are Royalty!!

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, your photos! You really know how to sack out…….you look so comfy makes me want to come over and snooze right next to you. AND, I don’t snore!! Not sure about the gas thing though!

    Oh, and please give hugs to Duece’s loved ones. The world was a ittle brighter because he was in it. We never forget our tripawd heroes!

    So Cookie takes all your toys, huh? I bet it’s only because you let her! You are such a kind soul!

    The photo of you two riding together in the car is just beautiful! It’s quite a portrait of friendship and happiness.

    But ya’ know, I think my favorite (and really, they’re all my favorite) is the one of you gazing out the window. It’s actually very “artsy”. It’s very poignant….the lighting, the silhouette… very touching. Any love that ear!!

    HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! We are all sooooo glad you were born!!

    This was just a brilliantly chronicled update.!! Thank you again for taking the time to share a continuing jourmey of love and happiness!

    Hugs and love to all!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

    (She just turned nine this month too! Great dogs are born in August, huh Nixon?) I put some videos of her under “size and age”…or something like that….not very good at this stuff and even worse at taking videos)

  3. jerry says:

    HOPPY BIRTHDAY NIXON! You’re still a kid!

    I am in awe at how much you go through yet how much your heart is still so full of love and hoppiness! Even after so many ruff times during chemo, and then a car crash and the heat? And you are still one hoppy dawg. You are my hero!

    We are anxiously awaiting updates about your visit to Aunt Janet’s, it sounds wonderful. Don’t you just love visiting dog-lover’s houses? I sure do!

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