Don’t worry, we’re all good. Cookie has not been herself since right before Easter. The lawn service showed up that week because things were starting to look pretty wild. A freshly mowed lawn is a lot of fun. Cookie was so happy she ran laps in the backyard. Our fence is only 50 feet wide and she was going as fast as she could. She wiped out but got up and did it again. And wiped out again.
She was sore but didn’t seem to mind anything being manipulated so no trip to the vet. Then a week passed and she was getting worse. She was refusing to take the stairs and didn’t want to go on walks.
The humans tried to get her in on Friday but the vet couldn’t see her until yesterday. On Friday night, there was a thunderstorm. I was having a rough time, running around like a lunatic, and I ran upstairs to poop in the office. While the humans were cleaning up and trying to calm me down, Cookie got into the trash.
She ate a bunch of plastic wrap and got herself sick. The humans didn’t realize she ate the plastic wrap until Cookie’s stomach said that this didn’t belong there and sent it back out. Well, most of it. Then my humans had to be on poop patrol and late Sunday night, the rest of it came back out. Cookie’s feeling like a new hound.
We went to the vet yesterday morning and I was just my charming self. While they were taking Cookie’s symptoms, I trained the vet tech to give me a cookie with just eye contact and a tail wag. She’s a quick study and I had a treat in a matter of seconds. I am so proud of her! Normally, they make us wait until after the visit to get a treat.
When Dr. Huff came in, I kissed him all over. I do like him but I love him when he’s not treating me. Cookie was very upset and kept hugging the ground. I stood close to her for support but she just kept hugging the ground. Finally, to get her up, they opened the door and she jumped right up. She fell for this trick twice.
Cookie has some pain meds, chiropractic, and we’ll be doing xrays of her back and hips next week, once she is in less pain. She is already feeling much better though and going up the stairs again. I may be getting xrays next week too. On May 10, I will be 13 months post amp and we’ll have to decide if we continue to do xrays every 3 months.
My pictures for December are finally in! We’ll be doing another round of photos soon. All photos were taken by Monkey See Photography.
- Me and My Shadow
- What was that?
- Don’t hate me because I’m handsome
- Nixon was here…
- We’re a good team.
- On the foot bridge in the park.
- Me and Cookie
- Van’s Cookie
- Love from the timid human.
- Boys Rule.
- Bouncing Along
Whew! When you write V-E-T we kinda panic around here!
We hope Cookie is feeling better so she doesn’t have to go back. No more trash eating Cookie OK?!
As for you Nixon, wow I can’t believe that ampuversary is coming up. Time flies, almost as fast as you and Cookie!
Love these pix, hope you don’t mind if we share ’em! xoxo