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Rain Go Away!

So here I am, on a fine July afternoon,  hunkered down in the hallway because we have a horrible thunderstorm and NOT celebrating 15 months post amp.  Yes, it is my ampuversary and no party!


We are in the purple.


I have been told there will still be chicken tonight.  I will try to grab a biscuit but they tell me low carb is better for me.  Cookie ate a half dozen a couple of months ago.  She stole them and did not share.  I do not counter surf at all.  I ask politely because I am civilized.

So stay safe and out of the heat.  I still have to report on the how greyt the Virgina Pawty was.  My typist has herself spread too thin.

4 Responses to “Rain Go Away!”

  1. Laurie says:

    Happy Ampiversary…Maybe you will get more than biscuits you deserve them! In to every life a little rain will fall. BUT….you have a lot to celebrate. PAWTY!!!

    • ohmynixon says:

      There was chicken! And I got lots of it too. No biscuits allowed. My low carb diet is followed pretty closely. I get lots of chicken breasts, sardines, and green beans. Oh, and berries. I get strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. And watermelon. Love watermelon too. I just love fruit and green beans.

  2. benny55 says:

    Oh Nixon!! It is sooooo great to hear from you! Even if you are hiding in a hallway and NOT celebrating your ampuversary!!

    Seeing you at the Virginia pawty with Cookie….it was like being in the presence of a Rock Star!, And your mom shared such insight on the plight of Greyhounds and some of the magnificent of you and Cookie.

    I really hope your mom saw all of the pictures and videos posted on various threads of the tripawd pawty. you and Cookie were the best behaved, most well mannered of the whole bunch Anui was well bechaved too…but that’s because he was in his “man cave” most of the time!
    Well, I guess Miss Cookie has a naughty side, we just didn’t see it! She stole those cookies! You wouldn’t do that!

    Ingrid, there was a thread on here just the other day…couldn’t even begin to tellnyou where to find it, but someone was told if you played heavy metal music during a thunderstormmor fireaorks, it would calm the dogs down! Well, she tried it and videod it….it apparently worked!! Hope you can find it!

    Now Oh My Nixon!, We have a FIFTEEN MONTH AMPUVERSARY TO CELEBRATE!! That is just wonderful!! You are such an inspiration on so many levels! And so is your Mom!! What a powerful team! You keep on loving life to the fullest sweet Nixon! We are all cheering you on! You are sooooo loved…not just by your mom, that goes without saying, but by all the tripawd community!!


    Love and hugs!

    Sally, Happy Hannah and Myrtle too!

    • ohmynixon says:

      We did see the pictures! And the video too. All of the pictures Ingrid took are of me. All of them. Guess she only has eyes for me! I have a great blog title, just need to WRITE it. It was greyt to meet everyone.

      Life keeps getting in the way of me updating more but we do read the forums. We missed the thunderphobic tip to play heavy metal. So we’ll have some parties playing AC/DC, Twisted Sister, and maybe Metallica to see if I can handle the music. Video Games freak me out so the music might too.

      Hugs and not so sloppy kisses to you!

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