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Prayers For Deuce

If you have a  faith in a higher power of some sort, I ask that you say a prayer/sending healing energy/etc to a Great Dane my humans know named Deuce.  He had a tumor in the same spot I did but it was much larger.  Everything about Deuce is much bigger!   On May 1, he had his right front leg amputated and has had a series of set backs pretty much non-stop since.

He was 215 lbs before the surgery.  His leg alone was about 11 lbs.  The vets had never done an amputation on a dog that large before but said he was a fine candidate for amputation.  After the surgery, he had a hard time standing.  The sling used to carry him tore his bladder and 3 days later, he had emergency surgery to correct that.  He would barely eat so a feeding tube was used.

He developed aspiration pneumonia.  He continued to decline and had a three week stay at the vet hospital to the tune of $800/day PLUS all of his surgeries.  His humans decided to bring him home on Friday, tell him how much they loved him, and then help him on his journey across the Rainbow Bridge after the weekend.  The vet came out on Monday to evaluate him and she didn’t think he was going to get better.  Since he was such a big boy, lots of arrangements had to be made and the vet agreed to come back out on Tuesday for his final good bye.

I think it was all the love he was getting but Deuce decided he enjoyed being home with his people and started to sit up on his own and eat.  The vet came out and said, yes, he is improving but still has a fever and pneumonia.  He has continued to eat and got to poop for the first time in three weeks yesterday.  He still needs help walking but he wants to get up and move around!

So please, say a prayer for Deuce today that he will be the The Giant Dane That Lived!

P.S.  If you could, say a prayer for me too.  I have my second round of chemo today.  Feeling good, strong, and loved and we’ll ask the vet about an injection of Cerenia.

4 Responses to “Prayers For Deuce”

  1. jerry says:

    Nixon our heart breaks knowing how much pain and anguish Deuce’s family has been through, we are so sorry!

    Yes, we definitely send all our love and prayers to Deuce’s family. Please let them know we are here for them OK?

  2. fourminipups says:

    Hang in there Deuce – we’re pulling for you.

    Nixon – I just know you are going to sail right through this second round like the champ you are!

  3. benny55 says:

    Ohhhh Discs, you are a fighter. Really big dogs like you, after such a norrific ordeal, need a little more time to recovery. It may take awhile but you are showing our have the determination.

    May you, and your parents, stay strong and positive. We really need a success story here from you!! Okay?? You can do it…..slowly…..bit by bit…..but you can do it:-) 🙂

    Congratulations on pooping…..we love celebrating poop:-) 🙂

    Nixon, you are a good buddy to bring Discs to our attention. You will sail through your chemo and no nausea, okay?:-)

    Sally and Happy Hannan

  4. Christine says:

    Duece… I have faith in you. Just the fact that you showed the vets by being at home gives you more strength. Of course your pawrents love and support will help you heal.. and all the good vibes that are coming across the computer right now.. with help you get even better!!
    Keep fighting big guy.. you can do it!

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