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I hope I didn’t scare anyone with my silence.  Just been way too busy lately.    The weather has been so crazy.  Back in the first week of June, the upstairs heatpump died.  I had to deal with two full days of repairmen in and out of the house trying to fix it.

A couple of weeks ago, we had a crazy storm come through and knock out the power for two days.  We now own a generator and I could not be happier.  Who did the humans put the fans on?  Me and Cookie of course.  The humans seem to handle heat better than we do.

My chemo dose was reduced by 25% and after rounds two and three, there have been no more crazy drops in my bloodwork.  We’re going to do two more rounds of chemo and I should be done by July 31st.

I’m feeling great actually.  Monday was the best day ever!  I walked my first mile since March 23.   I was a little sore afterwards but it felt great.  It took just over an  hour to do, I drank over a cup of water on the trip, and Cookie and I took about 30 minutes to cool down afterwards, but it was worth it.

With summer here, and so many of my favorites no longer on the menu, the humans were tossing around ideas on what to make to replace Frosty Paws.  They decided on a can of organic pumpkin mixed with one pint of plain greek yogurt.   This made 20 two ounce servings.  Once there is some more room in the freezer, they’re going to make a mixture of canned dog food and no salt chicken bouillon and then freeze that.

Finally, here are Cookie’s birthday pictures, just over a month late.  You will see Cookie’s talent for moving when you try to take her picture.  This is why we had to get professional portraits done so that friends and family could get an idea about what Cookie looked like since she was always a black blur.

IMAG0165 IMAG0166 IMAG0167 IMAG0168 IMAG0169 IMAG0170 IMAG0171 IMAG0172 IMAG0173 IMAG0174 IMAG0175 Meat Coma!

I can’t leave without showing a good picture of Cookie.  This was taken at Greyhounds in Gettysburg in 2011.


2 Responses to “Three Rounds Down, Two More To Go!”

  1. benny55 says:

    What a stellar photograph of Nixon and Cookie together…..exquisite dogs”.

    Yeah, the black blur with the pink birthday hat was a little hard to bring into focus.

    So glad to hear Nixon is doing wonderfully well! Walig a mile? Are you Kidding? That’s an incredible feat! Huge!

    Glad you pups have your air conditionig back on so you can be treated like the Royalty That you are

    Three chemos under your puppy belt and two more to go! Bet you get a bigger cake than Cookie:-) 🙂 That was a great cake by the way

    Thanks for sharing the ideas on the frozen treats too.Really good way to help keep them cool.

    Thanks for the delightful update and wonderful pictures. I known you are beaming with pride…and deservedly so!

    Walking that mile……..standing ovation to you! Soooooo impressive!

    Still applauding for you…..

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. jerry says:

    Yay Nixon! Will you send us some of that yummy dessert? I want some!

    I’m glad you’re kickin’ some butt there my friend. Bet you can’t wait till that chemo is all done and over with. You and Cookie can get back to life as usual after that, what could be better?

    Love hearing from your pack, don’t be a stranger!

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